Using new technologies to create compelling customer experiences

New technologies


We help teams explore how to position emerging science and digital technologies to create compelling new products and services.

However, we don't just start with the technology itself.

We focus on the insights behind the new technology — what's the benefit, how it works — plus the unmet consumer need.

Only after we've immersed the team in consumer and technology insights, do we then think about how to grab people's attention through a unique positioning, design, claims and contextually relevant messaging.



Bringing new scientific advancements to market in the beauty category is challenging. It's a crowded market, and consumers are savvy and demanding.

A leading skincare brand needed to create a compelling proposition for some new science and technology breakthroughs. We ran a series workshops with the team followed by consumer co-creation sessions to refine and strengthen these game-changing propositions.

We helped the team identify how to engage consumers throughout the consumer journey, as well as navigate the social media landscape - an essential media channel for the early adoption of new skincare propositions.

The insights and ideas were integrated into the 360 launch plan.


Commercial innovation

